مزيد فيه- “increased form” Definition: A word that, in addition to its root letters, contains non-roo..
Category : Sarf Glossary
مزيد فيه- “increased form” Definition: A verb that contains one or more additional letters in the first ṣīghah of its māḍ..
مشتق- “a variant word” A مشتق is a word that is derived from either a root word or another variant. Example: عَلِمَ (he knew), and مُعَلِّم (a teacher); the former is derived from عِلْم, while the latter is derived from عَلَّمَ (h..
المصدر- maṣdar or “verbal noun” Definition: a word that refers solely to an action or state without reference to tense, like: ضرب (hitting/to hit), and حسن (goodness, be..
مصدر صناعي- “constructed maṣdar” Definition: a type of مصدر constructed through the adding of a yāʾ mushaddadah and a tāʾ to any ism, so as to create an abst..
مصدر ميمي- mīm–maṣdar Definition: a type of مصدر, other than the original مصدر, that is constructed by replacing the حرف مضارعة in the 1st صيغة of the مضارع-form with a non-root ميم. All verbs have this type of م..
مصغّر- “diminutive form” Definition: an ism that indicates smallness or a generally lowly or lesser quality of ..
مضارع- “imperfect/present verb” Definition: an action or state occurring in the present and/or the future, like in: يضرب and..
مضاعف- “doubled verb” Definition: A verb that contains a doubled letter. Example: عضّ (“..
المضاف- “muḍāf” Definition: an ism that is defined through its muḍāf ilayh. In other words, whenever an indefinite ism is in an iḍāfah-construct with a definite ism, the construct makes the muḍāf definite by specifying and defining it through the defi..