قياسي- “rule-based” Definition: A morphological change that occurs based on an identifi..
Category : Sarf Glossary
كلمة- “Word”. a كلمة refers to a single unit of meaningful utterance (لفظ مفرد موضوع لل..
لفظ مستعمل- “an employed ut..
لفظ مهمل- “a nonsensical ut..
لين- “soft letter” Definition: A letter is “soft” if it is a vowelless (ساكن) weak letter that is preceded by a فتحة. Example: قَوْل a..
مؤنث حقيقي- “real feminine noun” Definition: a noun that refers to a female person ..
مبالغة- “intensification” There are various morphological ways of indicating an intensified meaning, for example, through the تفعيل-form in verbs, and through the صيغة المبالغ..
مثنى- “dual form” Definition: an ism that refers to two members of a single category of beings, like two students or two maṣdars and has the suffix ألف and نون مكسورة, or ياء and نون م..
مجرد- “base form” Definition: An ism or verb that contains only roo..
مجهول- “passive voice” Definition: a word where the verb’s active agent is n..