صيغة- “ṣīghah” Definition: Each conjugated form of the conjugated verbal forms; the third-person and second-person verbs have 6 ṣīghahs, whereas the first-person only has two ..
Category : Sarf Glossary
الضمير- “A personal pronoun” Definition: a definite ism that indicates a referent in terms of its being singular, dual, or plural, and whether it is first-person, second-person, or thi..
الضمير البارز- “explicit ..
علم- “proper noun” Definition: a definite ism that denotes a specific and identified referent , like عليّ..
فعل- “verb” A verb refers to an action or a state, occurring in the past, present, or future. An alternative definition is that a verb is a word that conveys an independent meaning, bound by a particular time or tense. An example of an action would be: ضرب (“he hit”), يضرب (“he is hitting/will hit”), اضرب (hit!). And ..
صحيح- “sound verb” Definition: A verb that has no “weak” letters among its roo..
الفعل العلاجي- “non-mental verb” Definition: a verb whose action manifests in the physical world, like: ضرب (to hit), or عمِ..
الفعل القلبي- “mental verb” Definition: a verb whose action does not manifest in the physical world, like: علِم (to know), or ظنّ (..
قلب- “transformation” Definition: The change that occurs in a word, whether it is the changing of one letter into another, like in إعلال–the change that affects weak letters–or the moving of a single letter in a word either forward or..
قلب مكاني- Definition: A type of قلب (change) where a single letter in a word is changes its position. In شرح النظام على شافية ابن الحاجب, it is defined as: إذا غير مواضع حروفه الأصول بالتقديم والتأخير “When the positions of the root letters change, either coming before or after (their original positions).” Example: ناء ..