Category : Sarf Glossary

حذف- “elision” Definition: The elision of a particular letter in a word. There are various reasons why a letter would be elided, primarily due to rules regarding the همزة, to أعلال, or even to وقف. Definition: The 2nd-person singular maleأمر-form of the verb أخذ becomes خذ, with the همزة bei..

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حرف- “particle” It is a word that is not understood independently of other words. Its function is solely to connect other words or clauses. Example: من (“from”) in the sentence: ذهبت من المدينة إلى الكوفة (“I went from Madinah to ..

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سماعي- “variable”; “irregular”; “non-rule based” Definition: A morphological change that does not occur based on an identifiable-rule. These changes are usually identified based on usage, hence th..

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