الاسم الموصول- “relative pronoun” Definition: a definite ism that indicates a defined referent through the sentence that follows it, called the relative clause..
Category : Sarf Glossary
اصل- “a stem” An أصل is the word from which another is derived. The difference between an أصل and a جامد is that an أصل can actually be a مشتق. Example; عَلِمَ (he knew) is the أصل of يعلَم (he knows), neither of which are..
اعلال- “iʿlāl” Definition: The changes that occur in wea..
التقاء الساكنين- “the convergence of sākinayn” Definition: two adjacent vowelless l..
الجمع- “plural form” Definition: an ism that refers to three or more members of a single category of beings, like three or more Muslims or three or more people n..
الماضي- “perfect verb” Definition: an action or state that occurred in the past, like in: ضرب ..
المتصرف- Definition: a type of ism that can be conjugated; meaning, it has a dual, plural, diminutive (مصغّر), and associative (منس�..
باب- “ve..
التخفيف- “takhfīf” Definition: the change that occurs to a hamzah. It is of two types: the hamzah is either elided, or transformed into a differe..
جامد- “root word” A جامد is a word that is not derived from any other word, like ضَرْب (hitting) or حجر (a..